Ferreyra Romea

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Naval industry day

Our firm was invited to celebrate the Naval Industry Day, along with important players of the naval sector. (This special event took place in Buenos Aires and counted with the presence of important players of the industry such as Tandanor, CIMSA, Sullair alongside public officials and authorities from the national goverment)

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What is Anti-money laundering? In this short blog we explain the basics of this complex and interesing practice area.

(Anti-Money Laundering (AML) refers to policies, laws, and regulations that aim to prevent financial crimes. Global and local regulators are established worldwide to prevent financial crimes, and these regulators build AML policies. Companies must comply with AML regulations. The Financial Action Task Force is the global organization that prevents the global crime of money laundering and

What is Anti-money laundering? In this short blog we explain the basics of this complex and interesing practice area. Read More »

Argentina merger control system and remedies

In Argentina, close to 90% of notified operations in merger control proceedings are fully approved; however, the remedies per se (those that involve structural or behavioral remedies) fluctuate around 5% and this percentage is not expected to change. In complex global transactions involving commodities, technological services linked to telecommunications or assets that are traded internationally,

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China and Argentina: Foreign Direct Investment screening regulations in times of COVID-19

China has been showing to the world its brand-new development and economic vitality through Chinese 40-year “Reform and Opening-up” and “One Belt, One Road Initiative”.When continuously making the process of opening-up further and deeper, China simultaneously releases remarkable economic dividends to the different industries and fields around the world. In the meantime, in order to

China and Argentina: Foreign Direct Investment screening regulations in times of COVID-19 Read More »